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**Although there will no doubt, be valuable information here from experienced users of the Skinny Zone products you must keep in mind that the information shared by each individual is their own expressed opinion based on the individual’s experiences and/or opinions and are not necessarily the view of Skinny Zone – by Bona Sano Co Inc.  Any statement, opinion, or expression made here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please perform your own due diligence in assessing the appropriate use of the information provided.  
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MMOWTS is the best supplier for TBC Classic Gold

World of Warcraft Classic TBC's second PvP season is now officially over, so when the next game will start is something players are curious about. While an official release date for next season Blizzard hasn't been announced, there are some indications of what's to come.

Classic TBC now has two arena seasons, the first of which begins on June 16 and ends on September 7. The second starts a week later on September 14 and ends on Monday, January 10. You can find out how to earn WoW Classic TBC Gold at MMOWTS.

In an official post on the Blizzard forums, the developer has stated that the content for Season 3 and Phase 3 of Classic will be released "later in early 2022."

Due to the PvP reward system, Blizzard may want to align the release of season three with the tier six raid content.

Blizzard has also stated in previous TBC Classics that they won't quite follow the release pattern of TBC's release in the mid-2000s. As such, players shouldn't expect too much from the same two-day season turnaround that originally existed at launch.

And making sure the tier six raid content is ready before moving forward is more of a concern for Blizzard at the moment. Even though Blizzard didn't set a specific release date for the new phase, raid testing for the phase has been ongoing since December.

Based on the pattern that Blizzard has followed on TBC in the past, the game's Phase 3 release will probably take place over the next two weeks, when the new PvP Arena season will arrive.

The release of Arena Season 3 is still some time away, and players can fully prepare for the upcoming season in the meantime. The most important thing is to prepare enough WOW TBC Gold, because there will be various battles when the new season arrives, and players will need to use a lot of items.

MMOWTS is a professional seller of TBC Classic Gold, providing players with ample TBC Classic Gold every day. If you are an experienced player you should know that TBC Classic Gold is very important in the game and it is not easy to get them in large quantities in the game. If you have the help of MMOWTS, you will greatly speed up getting them. So go to MMOWTS to Buy TBC Classic Gold!