Skinny Zone Forum

Welcome to our Skinny Zone Forum!
It is our desire that this forum will add to the enjoyment of its users and bring you even closer to attaining  your health goals.  We believe there is great value in being a part of a strong, like minded community when striving to reach  specific goals.  We hope this will be a great tool for you to launch further into finding your own personal Skinny Zone!  Reach it – Live it – Keep it!

**Although there will no doubt, be valuable information here from experienced users of the Skinny Zone products you must keep in mind that the information shared by each individual is their own expressed opinion based on the individual’s experiences and/or opinions and are not necessarily the view of Skinny Zone – by Bona Sano Co Inc.  Any statement, opinion, or expression made here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please perform your own due diligence in assessing the appropriate use of the information provided.  
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Post History: janelledefazio

No posts made by this user.